Date: November 18, 2009
1. 7:00 PM Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
2. 7:05 PM Public Input.
3. Town Administrator’s report.
a. Update on Central Berkshire Fund.
b. Update on Tree Warden Nomination.
c. Update on the CDBG.
4. Selectmen to vote to approve the Town Administrator’s appointment of Amy Lane as Town Accountant.
5. Selectmen to discuss the format of Select Board Meetings.
6. Selectmen to discuss and sign agreement for WMECO allowing access to pole information.
7. Selectmen to sign license agreement regarding dry hydrants.
8. Selectmen to discuss memo from the Finance Committee regarding Update on FY 2010 Town of Becket Finances.
9. Selectmen to consider appointing Senior Work Off program participants as “Special Municipal Employees”.
10. Selectmen to review letter from the DEP regarding the removal of two underground storage tanks at the Becket General Store.
11. Selectmen to vote to sign Warrant for the Special State Primaries to be held on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Becket Town Hall.
12. Selectmen to review and recommend on ZBA Dimensional Special Permit for the reconstruction of an existing non-conforming single family residential house on December 1, 2009.
13. Selectmen to review Notice of Public Hearing of Planning Board for a new Wireless Communications Facility on December 9, 2009.
14. Selectmen to review and sign letter to Mass Highway regarding the opening of McNerney Road.
15. Selectmen to sign appointment slips for members of the Becket Energy Committees.
16. Monthly reports of the Building Inspector and the Police Department
17. Any other business to come before the Board.
18. Review Correspondence.
19. Selectmen to review payroll/expense warrants.